George guy  Jun 14, 2008 • 6:34:25pm

All that time in the State Department is really softening her brain.

EE  Jun 14, 2008 • 7:07:08pm

No, Abbas’ holding the peace talks hostage to his demands for Israeli concessions is undermining peace talks.

Secondly, there can be peace talks from now to a thousand years from now and it won’t produce any peace of coexistence, because the goal of Israel’s Islamist, Arabist, and Pali foes is to eliminate Israel from the map of the Middle East. The only kind of peace that can result from that is the peace of the graveyard. A hudna is not peace, it is a time to prepare for the next war; that’s not a peace of coexistence.

Abbas has not even recognized the right of a Jewish state to exist in the Middle East.

Abbas has not even recognized that a Jewish state exists today in the Middle East. That’s because murder is regarded as more objectionable than abortion. So if the Jewish state doesn’t exist, its murder is merely an abortion, and therefore more acceptable.

If Abbas doesn’t want to talk, let him not talk. He is only a passing shadow anyhow. Any concessions that Israel makes will be pocketed by Hamas.

The only purpose of Rice’s demand for Israeli appeasement as the price of admission to the talks is to show everyone that the State Department is biased against Israel’s right to allow Jews to live in the Jewish capital city. Can you imagine what would happen if she told the Islamic Conference that allowing Muslims to live in Muslim capital cities was undermining peace talks?

NY Nana  Jun 14, 2008 • 8:16:50pm

Condi is a Jew-hating enemy of Israel.

/It is a requirement to be Sec. of State.

John Bolton for Sec. of State in ‘09! He will be a breath of fresh air who dies not suffer fools lightly.

FoolsMate  Jun 15, 2008 • 1:15:34pm

Condi condemning terror attacks in Israel:

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